Supercharged Food

Supercharged Food Love
Your Gut Powder Diatomaceous
Earth - 250gr Pre-Order 13/05

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Love Your Gut Powder is organic Diatomaceous Earth – also known as Fossil Shell Flour (Amorphous Silica). Love Your Gut Powder is food-grade, meeting the strict criteria of Food Standards Australia, New Zealand.

Diatomaceous Earth looks like a cylinder/honeycomb full of holes that has a negative charge. As the millions of cylinders move through the stomach and digest tract, they attract and absorb bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses, endotoxins, pesticides, drug residues, E-coli and heavy metals. These pathogens are trapped inside the cylinder and passed out of the body. Part of the reason is because the bad bacteria has a positive charge and the good bacteria generally has a negative or neutral charge, as does Diatomaceous Earth.

Additionally, any larger parasites that happen to be in the stomach or digestive tract are taken care of by the Diatomaceous Earth particles. This de-burdening of the digestive system results in not only a healthier digestive system but a healthier body that’s less prone to sickness. Most people who ingest Diatomaceous Earth on a daily basis state they generally feel better because the bad bacteria, parasites and heavy metals are being removed from the body and so, the immune system has less work to do.

Ingredients: Food-grade, organic, fresh water diatomaceous earth (amorphous silica).